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Since its creation in June 2021, Numeum has established itself as the voice of digital companies in dealings with public authorities and professional organizations, in France and the European Union.

Today, its 2,300 members are, through their diversity (software publishers, digital services companies, technology consultancies, platforms), their size (startups and unicorns, VSEs and SMEs, ETIs, national champions and major global players), their capacity for innovation and their ambition, the agents of the digital transformation of the French economy and society.

Defending your interests

Positions and proposals

Numeum lobbies the government, parliamentarians and administrative bodies to defend the interests of the digital sector and convey the concerns of its members. Its positions and proposals are based on the expertise of its members and the work of its governing bodies.

Numeum's positions and proposals are based on the expertise of its members and the work of its governing bodies.

Are you a Numeum member? Then you can take an active part in the working groups and commissions that reflect and act to defend the interests of the digital sector.

Numeum is a member of the Numeum Group.

Bills under consideration, proposed directives or regulations being drafted in Brussels, amendments to be prepared, legislative initiatives to be instigated... the Public Affairs commission steers all of Numeum's lobbying actions.

Numeum regularly speaks out and asserts its positions on all subjects that impact companies in the sector.

Discover all our position papers.

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Affaires publiques Elections législatives 2024 : ce qu'il faut savoir avant le 2nd tour

Alors que des élections législatives se tiennent les 30 juin et 7 juillet 2024, Numeum vous prop...

Affaires publiques 10 minutes pour comprendre... ce que change pour vous le projet de loi Numérique (SREN)

Le Parlement vient d'adopter définitivement un projet de loi qui vise à sécuriser et réguler l’e...

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Research and Innovation

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Cities & Territories

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Women in digital

Women, an opportunity for digital. Digital, an opportunity for women

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Digital Responsibility

It's possible to embark on a responsible trajectory!

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Digital education

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Industry of the future

Digital technology, a key player in the new industrial revolution

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Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence

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Public Affairs

The voice of digital companies

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Finance and Taxation

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Attractiveness of digital professions

The digital sector is looking for new talent

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SaaS, the growth driver for digital businesses

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Marketing and Sales

Numeum shares its best practices

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Affaires publiques - Europe

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Accelerate your international development with Numeum

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Numeum and training

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Cybersecurity in the digital sector

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Syndicat activity

All information about the union

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The use of digital technologies in the healthcare sector

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Digital sector indicators and trends

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Boost your startup's business!

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