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Business report 2022, Numeum

Hiring difficulties, CSR awareness, teleworking (sometimes 100%), sovereignty issues, the emergence of generative AI... The year 2022 was rich in topics.

2022 was also the year of the presidential elections in France. The digital sector was a strong point of this campaign. Numeum teamed up with the other Convergences numériques players to give the presidential candidates their say on the digital theme.

Find out about the actions carried out by Numeum and the highlights of this year 2022.

Download the 2022 activity report

Business report 2022, Numeum

Hiring difficulties, CSR awareness, teleworking (sometimes 100%), sovereignty issues, the emergence of generative AI... The year 2022 was rich in topics.

2022 was also the year of the presidential elections in France. The digital sector was a strong point of this campaign. Numeum teamed up with the other Convergences numériques players to give the presidential candidates their say on the digital theme.

Find out about the actions carried out by Numeum and the highlights of this year 2022.

Download the 2022 activity report

Business report 2021, Numeum

Stronger together!

The merger of Syntec Numérique and TECH IN France has become a reality in 2021. This merger has given rise to Numeum, the leading professional organization in the digital sector in France.

The new organization is committed to meeting the many challenges of our changing world. A commitment that is summed up by its founding ambition: to act in the service of responsible digital for all.

Discover in this report the many actions and new concepts launched in this first year of existence!

Download the 2021 activity report

2020 Activity Report, Syntec Numérique

2020, marked the acceleration of digital and a turning point for the future of Syntec Numérique

2020 will be remembered as the year the pandemic began, but also as the year digital transformation took hold. The massive adoption of digital tools has made our sector the main engine of economic resilience and a key player in the economic recovery and growth. The digital sector in France now represents sales of 56 billion euros and 534,000 jobs.


2020 is also the Covid-19 crisis, and the Syntec Numérique team has been 120% mobilized to support its members


Mobilized alongside its members, Syntec Numérique quickly provided them with numerous tools and devices to accompany and support them through this unprecedented crisis.

Download the 2020 activity report

2020 Activity Report, TECH IN France

The year 2020 has been a very special one for TECH IN France, as it has for many, many companies!

Faced with the health crisis and confinements, the association has indeed had to adapt considerably. But it's also at times like these that the role of professional organizations takes on even greater meaning: accompanying companies in the most supportive dimension of its action.

The business of TECH IN France is not to be a health protection mask broker... And yet! We had to improvise on the subject, and no less than 400,000 masks were pre-ordered by the association for its members last spring!

The association's mission is to help its members in the field of health protection.

Sharing best practices, pooling needs, grouping offers, exchanging references, tips and tricks, and if need be, collectively improvising solutions: such is the strength of a professional network close to its members.

This year, 2020, has therefore been for TECH IN France and its highly mobilized team, an opportunity to considerably expand its offering and the value returned to the member.

Download the 2020 activity report