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Numeum supports the growth of a digital healthcare industry in its uses, structuring, development and defense of its interests. Around 120 companies are mobilized to drive a new dynamic and share a common vision on a variety of themes, such as health data valuation, ethics and security, health data hosting certifications, telecare or new organizations.

Measuring and enhancing the value created

Organizations convey their expert vision to structure a forward-looking analysis of the major developments that will shape the lives of patients and healthcare professionals.

With strong market growth expected over the next few years, we are convinced that the digital transformation of our healthcare system will only be achieved through the coordination of all stakeholders in the digital healthcare sector.

Numeum was behind the creation of the Alliance e-health France, alongside Leem and Snitem, with the aim of increasing the visibility and impact of an industry that is creating jobs and growth for France.

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Health Numeum sera présent à Santexpo (21-23 mai 2024, Porte de Versailles)

Du 21 au 23 mai 2024, tout l’écosystème de la santé se donne rendez-vous sur le salon et le cong...

Santé Livre Blanc Santé Numérique 2030

Une quinzaine d'adhérents de Numeum se sont livrés à l'exercice de se projeter en 2030. Ils nou...

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Research and Innovation

R&D for innovation and growth

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Cities & Territories

Improving public action through digital technology

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Women in digital

Women, an opportunity for digital. Digital, an opportunity for women

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Digital Responsibility

It's possible to embark on a responsible trajectory!

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Digital education

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Industry of the future

Digital technology, a key player in the new industrial revolution

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Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence

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Public Affairs

The voice of digital companies

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Finance and Taxation

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Attractiveness of digital professions

The digital sector is looking for new talent

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SaaS, the growth driver for digital businesses

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Marketing and Sales

Numeum shares its best practices

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Affaires publiques - Europe

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Accelerate your international development with Numeum

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Numeum and training

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Cybersecurity in the digital sector

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Syndicat activity

All information about the union

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The use of digital technologies in the healthcare sector

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Digital sector indicators and trends

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Boost your startup's business!

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