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Because the place of digital technology is now central to our society, the sector has a dual responsibility:

1) to embark on a responsible trajectory based on consideration of the sector's societal and environmental impact

2) highlight the potential of digital technology for a more inclusive, ethical and ecological society

Numeum's Responsible Digital program aims to support all digital companies in these two objectives, by coordinating initiatives undertaken by all Numeum bodies, dialoguing with the ecosystem and strengthening the organization's visibility with public authorities.

The Planet Tech'Care initiative

Launched in October 2020 alongside the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the Secretary of State for Digital, Planet Tech'Care is a platform that connects companies, public players and training providers who want to take action to reduce the environmental footprint of digital with a network of partners, experts in digital and the environment.

Piloted by Numeum, and run with its 23 partners, Planet Tech'Care is an initiative that aims to federate the ecosystem to generate maximum impact around reducing the environmental impact of digital.

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The Ethical AI initiative

Launched in September 2021 after more than a year's work by Numeum and its partners, with the support of Renaud VEDEL, Coordinator of the National Strategy for Artificial Intelligence (CSN-IA), Ethical AI is intended to provide committed players with a practical tool for designing, developing and piloting artificial intelligence systems that respect fundamental human rights.

It rests on three pillars: a manifesto to formalize the commitment of players, a practical guide to rely on a methodology and co-created tools, a community to progress together.

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Emploi-Formation Découvrez l'étude prospective de l'Opiiec sur les besoins en compétences, emploi et formation en matière d'empreinte environnementale du numérique !

Alors que le secteur du Numérique représente aujourd’hui 3 à 4% des émissions mondiales de gaz à...

Numérique responsable FAQ Numérique et Environnement

Le numérique est un levier indispensable de la transition écologique, mais l'accélération de la ...

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Digital Responsibility

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Industry of the future

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Artificial intelligence

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Public Affairs

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Marketing and Sales

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Affaires publiques - Europe

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Cybersecurity in the digital sector

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Syndicat activity

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The use of digital technologies in the healthcare sector

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Digital sector indicators and trends

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