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Every day, the news proves just how important cybersecurity is becoming in the digital sector. The massive digitization of all our activities, both private and professional, and the explosion in data volumes are opening up immense fields for new applications and productivity gains in every field. Cybersecurity must be omnipresent if this digital transformation is to be accomplished efficiently and securely.

Created in 2015, the Cybersecurity Commission is working to show that it plays an essential role in the trust required for digital transformation.

The Cybersecurity Commission is made up of around a hundred high-level cybersecurity specialists and executives, not always specialists in the subject. It is a recognized interlocutor for public authorities on this theme, and participates in various events in the field.

Numeum, via its Cybersecurity Commission, is notably a founding member of Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr, an associate member of Campus Cyber, a member of the FIC Scientific Committee, a partner of the European Cybersecurity Month run by ANSSI, and a partner of the Cybersecurity Guide (a directory of cybersecurity solutions) published annually by Solutions Numériques.

Key issue

Maintain and strengthen our position as a reference on security issues vis-à-vis the ecosystem: public authorities, companies, cybersecurity experts and users


  • Foster exchanges and strengthen Numeum's place within the ecosystem as a cybersecurity player
  • .
  • Make the cybersecurity sector attractive to attract talent
  • Inform and raise awareness among users
  • Promote cybersecurity solutions


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Cybersécurité L'IA : potion et poison du management des risques cyber

Numeum a rassemblé une quarantaine d’experts en cybersécurité et en intelligence artificielle is...

Cybersécurité Support de conférence Cycle "Réglementations Cyber" partie 1 : Numeum x ACPR - Règlement DORA

Le règlement DORA sur la « résilience opérationnelle numérique du secteur financier » entré en v...

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