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In an ever-changing world, jobs and skills in the digital sector are undergoing major changes. Skills management is therefore becoming a strategic issue.

The digitization of the economy represents a transformation for companies and for society. It is changing organizational modes and leading to new forms of work, accentuating the need for recruitment and training of all profiles.

The digital economy is a transformation for companies and for society.

The rapid evolution of technologies is forcing companies to adapt and develop the skills of their employees, within a reformed legal and regulatory framework.

Skills training for the workforce (employees and jobseekers) is therefore a strategic issue today, to enable our sector to fulfill its mission of supporting the digital transformation of society.

To support these challenges, the Training Commission is made up of HR/Training managers from Numeum member companies.

It meets every month to discuss topics related to current professional training issues in the branch: legal and regulatory watch (laws, decrees, circulars), news related to the institutional environment (Opco Atlas, Opiiec, Branche professionnelle, State, Regions...), testimonials of organizational best practices...

Working groups can be set up to deal with the most pressing current issues, providing input for the Training Commission's work: the new training schemes introduced by law, administrative simplification linked to the financing of training actions, the link between certifications and job references, the career mobility path and Gestion Prévisionnelle des Emplois et des Compétences, relations with staff representative institutions within the company...

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Economie-Marché Les ingénieurs dans le numérique en 2023

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Emploi-Formation Découvrez l'étude prospective de l'Opiiec sur les besoins en compétences, emploi et formation en matière d'empreinte environnementale du numérique !

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