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The digital sector has strong recruitment needs and needs to attract ever more new talent.

In fact, for several years it has been experiencing a shortage of employees as well as a lack of diversity, particularly among women, people with disabilities and young people from priority urban policy districts.

In addition, the digitization of the economy represents a transformation for companies and for society. It is changing organizational modes and leading to new forms of work, accentuating the need for recruitment and training of all profiles.

In addition, the digitization of the economy represents a transformation for both companies and society.

In this constantly evolving sector, Numeum is mobilizing through various job promotion initiatives aimed at young people to raise awareness of the digital sector, its professions and its training courses.


In conjunction with Talents du Numérique and its partners, Numeum aims to:

  • Increase the attractiveness of the digital sector by promoting digital professions.

  • Attract tomorrow's talent.

  • Making the link between schools and companies in the sector the link between all publics and companies in the sector through numerous actions on a national and local scale.

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