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How can we safely accelerate the development of AI uses in the various spheres of our daily lives?

This is the mission of the AI Commission, which supports the creation and deployment of trustworthy AI and promotes the benefits of using these technologies for the good of all.

2 flagship actions of Numeum's AI commission:

  • Ethical AI, the first initiative to operationalize ethical principles in Artificial Intelligence and promote trustworthy solutions.

  • AI France Summit, the must-attend annual meeting of the French AI ecosystem: business meetings and with public authorities!

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Intelligence artificielle Rapport "AI for Green & Green AI"

Découvrez dès maintenant notre rapport offrant un panorama détaillé de la synergie et des défis ...

Cybersécurité L'IA : potion et poison du management des risques cyber

Numeum a rassemblé une quarantaine d’experts en cybersécurité et en intelligence artificielle is...

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