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Numeum's social department is committed to developing the industry's social dialogue and actively supporting its members in implementing labor law rules.

Social dialogue

Within the Syntec federation, Numeum actively participates in the development of constructive branch social dialogue, in line with the needs of digital companies and their employees.

NUMEUM's positions are developed within the "Social" Commission and the "Social" Bureau, then validated by the Board of Directors.

To this end, some forty HRDs from companies in all digital professions meet every month to discuss the latest social, legal and jurisprudential developments in the sector.

Member services

Attentive to the needs of its members in the social field, Numeum helps them find answers to all their questions either:

  • via regularly published "social" letters and thematic fact sheets

  • during web conferences and thematic mornings organized each month

  • via the SVP service, which answers more than 4,000 common labor law questions every year relating to understanding collective bargaining agreements, branch agreements and legislative and case law developments.

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Social Quand la santé mentale s'invite au travail

La démarche de prévention des risques psychosociaux (RPS) est une obligation de l'employeur ; po...

Social Contrat d'apprentissage ou de professionnalisation : Comment choisir ?

Malgré les efforts de simplification effectués depuis plusieurs années par les gouvernements suc...

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Digital Responsibility

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Artificial intelligence

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Public Affairs

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Attractiveness of digital professions

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Marketing and Sales

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Syndicat activity

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The use of digital technologies in the healthcare sector

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