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Intelligent, sustainable or connected, the city has undertaken its digital transformation. Within a dedicated commission, the companies collect the needs and analyze the concerns of local authorities in order to highlight the contributions of digital technology to the development of the attractiveness and economy of territories.

Relevant territorial initiatives

Numeum is involved in promoting digital uses in the regions. Our members contribute to the emergence of an innovative, inclusive and humane digital society, guaranteeing access to public services for all. To this end, we are helping to raise the profile of local initiatives with a view to rolling them out nationwide.

Contact : Mariane Cimino mcimino@numeum.fr

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Secteur Public Accélérer la transition vers la ville numérique

Les projets de ville numérique deviennent réalité pour de nombreuses collectivités

Secteur Public La transformation numérique des collectivités

Des collectivités locales volontaires mais freinées par le manque de moyens


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