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Digital education brings together two major challenges:

  1. educationthrough digital technology, i.e. the provision of digital tools, services and resources for learning
  2. .
  3. and educationin the digital, which encompasses knowledge and skills related to digital science and digital usage.

In an ever-changing world, education in and through the digital requires a transformation of teaching methods and training curricula to better match the needs and expectations of companies in every sector and facilitate the professional and social integration of citizens.

The stakes are immense, as digital technology offers lifelong learning opportunities for all citizens, making it possible to build societies that are inclusive, accessible and open to all.


The Education commission aims to promote the digital sector and its professions from school to higher education and to support the digital transformation of the French and European education system.

The commission also aims to promote the Edtech sector in France and Europe, and is thus in contact with all players in the ecosystem and public authorities.

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Education Les technologies au service de l'éducation : une chance pour la France

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Education Les métiers du numérique

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