+7.5% growth for 2022 and +5.9% estimated growth for 2023!

2022 will have been a fine year with growth the likes of which we have rarely seen. Our customers' major challenges are still very much present: cybersecurity is at the top of CIOs' concerns, hence their desire to better master this subject internally (even if this is not always reflected in their investments), improving the customer experience (this project is not finished), data analysis, which is becoming one of companies' main assets (whether to better know and serve their customers or to be able to improve the company's internal processes), as well as the transformation to the cloud, which is far from over.

The war for talent is reaching an all-time high across virtually all types of skills. While 2021 contributed to the creation of 34,000 jobs in our industry, 2022 is set to be even more prolific. This "war for talent" is becoming a war for salaries, the leading cause of departures. Departures are often to customers or competitors. Digital companies are playing on work patterns, training offers, career development... to build loyalty and keep their "hard-earned" talent.

On the other hand, there is a consensus between the views of CIOs and those of suppliers on the impact that the global geopolitical and economic situation will have on digital projects in France. Thus, 62% of CIOs believe that this situation has already had an impact on their IT projects by 2022. Only 32% of suppliers have already felt an impact in 2022, but 31% believe that this impact will occur in 2023. However, this impact will be rather weak or moderate for more than 80% of them. There are also 83% of suppliers who believe that the impact will be greater in 2023. We are also seeing slight signs of a slowdown in growth, such as a book-to-bill ratio below 1 for 29% of suppliers, or a falling occupancy rate for 24% of service companies.


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